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Fierce As A Lion: Overcome Fear

Are you timid? Do you take too long in the chute trying to get everything perfect, and still don’t feel good about nodding? Timidity is a symptom of fear, and fear is the biggest obstacle a bull rider will face. Fear will keep you from reaching your goals.

Here are some signs that you may be too timid when it comes to riding bulls:

  1. You don’t put your hand all the way in your rope.
  2. Someone else has to nod for you.
  3. Instead of rosin, you use dirt.
  4. When you go to the practice pen, you usually don’t get on any bulls.
  5. As soon as you get a little off center you jump off.
  6. You scream in agonizing pain when the bull moves around in the chute.
  7. There’s always a good reason you didn’t get the bull rode.

If you do any of the things previously listed, you are allowing fear to control you. Don’t worry; everyone gives in to fear at times. You just don’t want to let fear take control for very long. Life is all about overcoming fears and challenges, and bull riding is the perfect way to learn how to do that.

Are you ready to be fearless? If so, here are a few things you can do to overcome fear:

  1. Think courageously. Every time you think a fearful thought, replace it with a courageous thought.
  2. Prepare for the situations that typically cause you to be afraid by training and visualizing.
  3. Be ready to ride bulls BEFORE you get to the event.
  4. Surround yourself with positive influences.
  5. Pray. Prayer gives us supernatural strength.

Most people don’t succeed because they don’t know how to overcome fear. You need to have a fearless, determined attitude in life and when you ride bulls. Don’t let anything in life intimidate you. Overcome the fear and be as fierce as a lion!